Our mission

Wear it all Vegan is a vegan clothing brand created by the founders of the non-profit organisation Magic of Life.

Magic of Life defends life and the right for all sentient beings on this planet to live: humans and non-human animals alike; and the planet we live on, planet Earth.

A percentage of all sales goes to Magic of Life to help with its mission to save animals.

Our Impact

Learn more about what Magic of Life does to help animals.

Animal sanctuaries

We work together with animal sanctuaries in Spain. For the last months we've been making donations to La Manada Cántabra, in the north of the country. Our donations have supported their work rescuing and caring for abused and neglected animals.


We investigate the reality that animals experience at the hands of humans, in order to share data and images that help promote the end of animal exploitation.


Exposing the reality that non-human animals live on a day to day basis. Using our voice to spread awareness and help others reflect on how to live a more compassionate lifestyle.

Our Artists

Get to know the artists behind our designs.

Vegan Frank

Argentinian vegan illustrator Francisco Atencio, Vegan Frank, uses his art to inspire change and spread awareness.

Luiso García

Vegan artist Luiso García is an Spanish animal rights and human rights activist. He creates impactful illustrations to make people think and to create change.

Charlene Chattergoon

Artist and illustrator from Trinidad and Tobago Charlene Chattergoon uses her work to promote kindness and appreciation of all life through her paintings and children’s book illustrations.


Work with us.

Are you a vegan artist? Would you like to have your work featured on our website? Please get in touch, we'd love to discover your art.